I put a paper up for discussion on academia.edu.
A connection between Hittite ḫumant- “all, each, entire” and Vedic ubhau “both” was proposed by Puhvel in his Hittite Etymological Dictionary. He analyses ḫumant- as ḫu- + suffix -want- (PIE -went-). For the first element, he assumes an original meaning “both” and for the lexeme a development “both-having” > “all-having” > “all”.
This paper argues that there is indeed a common element *h2u- in both words, but that it's original meaning was "all".
Readers are cordially invited to join over there or to comment here.
Hattic in Fremmed.
vor 7 Stunden
4 Kommentare:
I'm most likely not qualified to comment on the manuscript, but wanted to read it. The only way to do that seems to be to submit a request to join the discussion... so that's what I've done, though I never actually meant to have an academia.edu account in the first place.
Hi David,
Thank you for joining the discussion! I hope I didn't make you do anything you'll regret later! ;-)
I have now posted a revised version of my paper taking into account Eugen Hill's article and comments. Unfortunately, it is not possible to upload a revised paper to an existing session, so I put the revised paper up here .
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